Fame at last .....

The sun came back today !
Spent the morning filling more barley into a grain bin then headed off down the road to spend the day baling the barley straw we cut on Thursday. Had it all done and home by 7 pm so an early finish.
Until I checked my phone, where there was a text at lunch time to say they were combining down at the village. I’m getting that straw too, but it will need to wait until tomorrow as the dampness is down now it’s getting dark.
Mrs F showed me this copy of Edinburgh Life magazine that my favourite mother in law had given her.
Quite by chance the cover is a picture the editor took a few years ago which shows me baling straw at Newtongrange, with a cracking view towards Arthur’s Seat and Edinburgh Castle.
I spoke to the editor, Peter Bourhill , to ask if it was OK to use his picture and he said as his magazine was available at all good newsagents he had no problem !!
Don’t suppose I was smiling for the camera though .....

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