The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Prom Night

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was The Eldest Mini Princess’s school leavers prom tonight.

The ‘pre’ was at our house. Her friends (and some parents) came round for Pimms in the garden before they all headed to the do in the Balmoral.

Yes, I know it sounds very middle class but there was method in my madness. Pimms is fairly weak in comparison to sparkly wine and age has taught me that these nights are marathons not sprints. Also, it would make me look like a bad parent if I got them all steaming before they went!

They all looked so grown up - the girls all looked beautiful in very glam dresses and the boys were very handsome in their suits/kilts. EMP has the nicest bunch of mates and the 8 of them have been close all the way through high school. She is lucky to have found these kind of friendships so young. I suspect that all the friends she is yet to meet will all be this lovely. Good people attract good people.


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