It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Never Go To A Camera Shop With A Fellow Blipper!

If you do this is what can happen!
I went to the London Camera Exchange to try and sell two old lenses...I knew I wouldnt get much for them and they only took one lens off me. Not a lot for that but its better than nothing.
Then winking at me from behind the glass case....was my next lens I would be saving up for....the Sigma 150-500mm :-)

Well I had PaulaK with I said not good to have a fellow camera enthusiast with you! Saying...Buy it Buy it in my ear......Anyway I resisted for an hours worth of shopping with Paula....spent just over an hour trying on clothes etc...but some how when you have lenses on your mind clothes sort of lose their interest....well they do me anyway!
Not Paula though she looks stunning in her lovely new clothes :-)

I couldnt resist any longer and we headed back to the camera shop.....and well here is the result of my trying to be good!!
Errr I wasnt was I?
Still now I have more things to photograph!
Hope your having a warm and cosy weekend. x

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