if that is the worst that happens

I keep looking at these wildflowers because I once got a nice picture of a bee on them, but posted a different blip that day - and we're running out of flowers. Today I saw these fascinating bugs and took a couple of shots. On my screen I actually liked the holes in the leaves so I could see more flowers through them ... and then I saw the feces. I thought it would be appropriate for Silly Saturday. Many thanks to you 59 for hosting. 

Thank you for the good wishes for the engagement shoot. It is wonderful to be doing something exciting that makes you nervous rather than staying in some boring comfort zone. I spent much of the day folding laundry or this or that while watching classes on engagement photography and posing couples. Then we had fun. 

Like everyone, they wanted some shots that showed off the ring and I had a couple of ideas I thought were clever. You can see one of them in the extras. 

We'll do another at their home so their cats can be in the shots, but they wanted some photos now so they could send "save the date" announcements. 

We went to a local park. I carefully parked where no one was to the left or right of me because this is my first and probably last new car ever and I'm nutty about it. Yes, that is foreshadowing. Someone in a van with a ladder on the side backed up from the other side of the parking lot, all the way into the parking space next to me, and scraped up my pretty car. She left her name and her number and admitted responsibility so unless something goes wrong I won't even have to pay a deductible. The doors open and close. We're in a pandemic - I don't have to go somewhere to work. It was inevitable that something should at some point happen. Ingleman, leave your Jag at home.  

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