Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini


All the painstaking efforts of house hunting and extra work I needed to do have paid off. Cameron and I got an approval this morning, and we are somewhere between excited, and having a case of "oh my god, in a week we will be living together in OUR house". It's still a tad surreal.

When I got the call about the approval, of course I instantly called Cam, barely able to piece a sentence together. But the same happened to him. Fastforward an hour and I get a text from him: "Five minutes. Celebratory coffee"
Mind you, I was in my jimmyjams still, with awful bed hair. "Okay... Let me get dressed..... And oh my god my hair."
"Pff. Can't be that bad."
Sent this photo to him.
"Ohh, sexy. So, so glamorous. Cannot wait to see THAT every day. Ahem. Take your time. You'll need it."

Sometimes best friends can be cruel. But I wouldn't have him any other way. I'm looking forward to all the ridiculous situations we will get ourselves tangled up in while living together.

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