A real Tonic today

It's 2 years today since I gave up full time work with on calls and a caseload. I'm still doing a bit of work here and there but am enjoying it.
We were up early and in the car park near Glenridding just after 7am. It was very choppy and neither Liz or I were really "feeling it", either paddling or swimming. I had a chat and a catch up with Andy AKA swan man. The rest of our team arrived and agreed that the weather forecast was a load of bo**ocks but we'd all noticed the calmer conditions at the North end of the lake. We ended up swimming just under a mile, it was fabulous and very calming. Just what we all needed.
Tom and I walked up the ridge in the afternoon and the rest of the day has been very chilled, fuelled by Prosecco!

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