A Stranger to These Parts

You know you've watched too many thrillers when you begin weaving stories round the presence at an adjoining table of this bearded man complete with a hat shading his face and a black bag large enough to maybe hold a weapon.

His Lordship and I imagined he had the look of a spy from some troubled part of Asia.
We had just got to the point in our story where he opens the bag, brings out a gun and......... his wife spoils it all by appearing from the Ladies to claim the bag.
She didn't look at all like a spy's co-plotter, wearing another Nanouk of the North hat and speaking with a distinct American accent.
Ah well, it passed the time until we were served.

We had braved the fierce chill to buy some files for his Lordship, and had popped into the cafe with the unlikely name of 'The Two Thin Laddies'.
It was then easy to be beguiled by their yogurt and cranberry biscuit wedges.
I was adamant that only one would be bought for HL and I would have a corner. The trouble was that it was a triangular biscuit with 3 corners. Yes, I succumbed and had all three, and never has anything tasted so good or so sinful.

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