in the park :)
Heartfreek is doing a challenge for September, and I thought I was too late to join in but I think this will be OK - even if its flowers and not flower :)
Details below if you want to join in :
1. New
2. White
3. Feet
4. Flower
5. Sleeping
6. Tiny
7. Cotton
8. Steps
9. My Favourite....
10. Looking Down
11. Cake
12. Family
13. Numbers
14. Wood
15. 2pm
16. On Your Plate
17. Handmade
18. Heart
19. Animal
20. Mug
21. Reflection
22. Open
23. Landscape
24. Bokeh
25. A Picture
26. Above me
27. Water
28. Pattern
29. Autumn
30. A Selfie !!
I have been struggling with my eyesight and been incredibly tired for months now. Today I reluctantly went back to the opticians and found that my eyes have changed a lot in a year and my glasses are now too strong for my near sight which explains the struggle with computers as well (varifocals). Shocked at the cost of a pair of new glasses though... I'll pick them up in a couple of weeks.
Before then, I thought I'd pop early to the park and go to the lake. Unfortunately I didn't realise there was a park run happening (apparently its every single Saturday :( ), and when I was walking through I was surrounded by a group of bad mannered runners who nearly knocked me over.
It made me feel very stressed, so I don't think I'll be walking in that park again on a Saturday - and next weekend I'll probably go for a coffee (r something else) while my car has its MOT.
The highlight was seeing the Heron (extra 1) and being able to take a photo of my eyes at the opticians (extra 2) :)
Home now but I'll go to the supermarket later when its less crowded...
Happy Saturday folks :)
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