Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Eight splendid Sunflowers.

The Feast Day of St. Mac Nissi.
My daughter Maria returned home last evening after a good train journey from Leeds. It was wonderful to see her and we had a nice meal and watched Dr. Martin and Gardeners World. Both programmes were excellent. Arthur our cat sat between us and he was pleased and purred a lot with the extra loving attention.
I have been on a long walk with my camera this morning and liked these sunflowers best of all the shots. George has a superb front garden and grows several sunflowers each year and they are always impressive tall flowers. It is still and close weather but 17c outdoors and 20c indoors.
Maria has gone alone on a 10k run to Whalley and back. It is 8 miles each way. She is training for a charity run next Sunday  and running with a few friends. They are raising money for the homeless.
After lunch Paul, Maria and me are going into the countryside to find and pick blackberries for an apple and blackberry crumble for our tea.
Have a lovely Saturday blip friends and thanks for visiting my site.

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