Life through the lens...

By ValC

What's it all about Alfie?

Can't believe so much more snow has fallen during the night!
No chance of getting the car out.
No one round here is going anywhere except on foot!

We walked down to the paper shop. (Can't do without my Saturday Yorkshire Post!)
Met some neighbours out with their dog , Alfie.
We stopped and chatted, while Alfie, here, was busy licking the snow off his paws!

They should have been flying out to their apartment in the South of France today, (just for 4 days) but decided not to risk the journey across the Pennines to Liverpool Airport in the early hours of this morning.

Our friends son and family were due to arrive in Manchester this morning on a flight from Orlando, Florida.
They have come over from his wife's grandma's 80th birthday.
This weather will really be a shock for them.
I hope they manage the drive over to Yorkshire on the M62 OK.
Bet their two young boys will love the snow! Never having seen it before!
Our friend K has bought them some wellies!! She thought they might need them.
I hope they have some warm clothes too.

The rest of the day will be spent "chilling out" inside!

Hope you are all enjoying the weekend!!

(Thanks for the stars and fav for my robin yesterday. You all said it looked like a Christmas card. Hope I can manage an Easter Card shot before Friday!)

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