After yesterday’s sunshine, the plan today is to travel to the low Carneddau for a short and undemanding walk to photograph the heather - which was looking beautiful from the A55 last night. Sadly, totally grey skies make this far less attractive as a photo-shoot today, so I content myself with what the garden has to offer.
Apart from this, I’m working on my Covid journal. I started this with daily entries from March 2020, though these have morphed into weekly entries this year. I’ve fallen far behind, and catching up with the last entry being in June has been a mammoth task that I have yet to complete.
The other news is feedback on my biopsies and tests. Tired of waiting to hear from the hospital, I phone this morning. This afternoon they return my call. The good news is that no malignancy has been detected - it’s what I had expected, but it’s good to know. There are other, more obscure results to come - so I’m feeling a strange mixture of great relief and frustration; this ‘disease’ has been unnamed for far too long.
So today’s blip is a white cosmos - plain and simple.
And thank you so much for the wonderful response to yesterday’s ‘Gone Fishing’ blip - it’s very much appreciated!
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