A fairly busy day today. A supermarket delivery was due between 10 and 11 and during this time I had to take G down to the surgery for his regular INR blood test plus a test for diabetes.
We duly arrived at 10:00, appointment was for 10:10, so I popped into the pharmacy next door for bits and bobs whilst waiting for G. I hadn't been the car l ong when he came back, they've made a mistake and my appointment isn't until 12:10!!!!!! They had somehow made a mistake and not told him grrrrrr. However to be fair this is rare for our surgery so no problem, except I cancelled my first Tai Chi session for a month to take him down there when I needn't have done - oh well c'est la vie!!
We were therefore back for the delivery so that was good.
We duly returned at 12:10. No problems with appointment this time, however G said the Nurse didn't understand what had happened as she came out 10:10 looking for him!!!!! You've got to laugh, perhaps they're rehearsing for sitcom!!!
Anyway his INR is good and we just have to wait now until the doctor calls him regarding his diabetes check.
That's all for today, do take care and stay safe everyone, see you all tomorrow.
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