
By WilsonsNewDad


While Nërp waits to hear from the Poet Laureate Committee, Byron has been hard at work.
After several weeks of toil, he has at last finished composing his artist's statement.
He's just handed me the final draft and asked me to critique it for him.
I'm not sure I know where to begin – or whether I even know what he's talking about!
I shall have to find something to say to him, so any suggestions would be very welcome…
❝To whom it may concern:
My work explores the relationship between multiculturalism and recycling culture. With influences as diverse as Wittgenstein and L Ron Hubbard, new combinations are crafted from both explicit and implicit meanings.
Ever since I was a pup I have been fascinated by the theoretical limits of the moment. What starts out as hope soon becomes finessed into a manifesto of futility, leaving only a sense of decadence and the prospect of a new synthesis.
As shimmering derivatives become reconfigured through boundaried and critical practice, the viewer is left with a clue to the inaccuracies of our world.
As a student I was fascinated by the ephemeral nature of the mind. What starts out as yearning soon becomes corrupted into a carnival of distress, leaving only a sense of chaos and the inevitability of a new synthesis.
As momentary replicas become clarified through boundaried and personal practice, the viewer is left with a hymn to the darkness of our future.❞

Please help me out here – is this the kind of thing galleries want to hear from unknown artists looking to show with them?

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