Marking Her Territory

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends, 

A switch seems to have flipped in Dr. Girlfriend's little fuzzy head. She has decided she LOVES us. 

Bear in mind this is a little cat who wouldn't let me within 10 feet of her just a few months ago. Now she runs up to me and nudges my legs and dances around my feet. She's not even that bothered about food, she just wants love. 

This morning she crossed another kitty Rubicon. She decided she wanted to sit on my lap. And now that's her. Today's blip is of her sitting on Caro, quite the thing, very pleased with herself. Marking her territory and letting everyone know that Caro belongs to her now. 

Caro has been doing a certain amount of territory marking of her own. What you may not know is that even after she quits her job as a recruiter, and moves on to business support she will still get a percentage of the commission for any doctors placed in the coming year - if she has had SOME contact with them as a recruiter.

How much contact is neither here nor there. She just needs to have emailed them or spoken to them or anything and then if they ever get placed in New Zealand she can say, "MINE!" and claim some cash. 

Long story short, Caro has been speaking to SO MANY doctors today. 

It is no wonder Dr. Girlfriend loves her. 


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