a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Simple pleasures

Sum total of today:

Slept til noon;
Investigated contents of fridge (not much to report with the exception of 2 beers and peppermint chocolate, and I seriously cannot recommend mixing the two);
Read until I fell asleep again;
Woke up around 5 pm

and now I feel fan-TASTIC.

So I celebrated by taking the plastic off the new soundbar speakers for the tv.

And now I shall sit and gloat at the reflective black surface of my new speakers, smug in the knowledge that I somehow managed to cart them home on public transport during rush hour and hooked them up WITHIN TEN MINUTES.

I am so proud of that. And I didn't even read the instruction manual.

Today's earworm is an ethereal 1990s cover of Bowie's Loving the Alien with a snippet of Debussy at the beginning. I don't know why I'm sharing because it probably qualifies as 'niche'. But maybe one or two of you might find it interesting. I've also had Iva Davies'cover of All Tomorrow's Parties from the same album on the brain today but that's not on Youtube -so you'll have to take my word for it that it was a wonderful blend of 17thC harpsichord music with the Velvet Underground.

But hey, this was recorded up the road from my place, and Iva Davies (Icehouse) has been part of the Australian music scene since the 1970s. Well, not with this song. But some songs appear to have made it to the UK, German and US charts, like this one. Or Hey Little Girl
Man of Colours
Electric Blue

Warning: Some of the above music clips contain 1980s mullet hairstyles and may disturb some viewers.

I am rambling so I shall shut up now.

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