
By Mindseye

Just the two of us

Kept on waking up last night……up fairly early, showered, breakfast done and ready to go, way too early, so ended up sitting around, too much time to think.  brought my already iffy mood down even further.  

Decided to head out earlier than necessary,  stopped off for a coffee, even though I was going out for lunch :-/ I met with the wife of the Doctor I used to work for, the four of us became good friends, sadly Dr G passed away a couple of years ago with MND, the. obviously hub more recently, so todays lunch was rather emotional, the first time we’d met as a twosome :-/ 

We had a nice lunch, tea, then coffee…….3 hours came and went, a few tears here and there, but we did manage to enjoy ourselves, as the boys would have wanted! 

Once we said our goodbyes, zi decided to take a walk along the Rufford canal banks, a walk that hub and I did many times…..that was emosh too!
Todays blip was taken from the road bridge…. I always like this view when there are boats moored up. 

I drove home, it was busy as it was almost 5pm…..
The sun had finally put in an appearance, so rather than go straight indoors, I went around the back and sat for a while……..had a proper cry, for the first time in a while, hub was right there beside the summer house, but he wasnt, if you know what I mean,  no arm around me to say don't cry, it will be ok……its been a rubbish few days tbh. 

When Im feeling like this, my eating habits go out the window, which they have, that makes me cross with myself…….hopefully tomorrow will be better. Ive booked on the Pilates class again in the morning……maybe that will get me to a better place……

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