Two Tone
Pansy - one of the yellow/purple batch I potted up on Monday ::)
What a day! Next door finally cut down their tree that was causing the slabs to come up in my garden - but they didn't let me know it would be happening and poor Charlie disappeared. I couldn't go to make sure she was safe because I was in a conference call via teams :(
Thankfully Charlie came back mid-afternoon and all seems ok.
I was also annoyed that my car is covered in tree dust from the chopping up whilst parked next to me...but there was nothing I could do as I didn't know I couldn't move it in time, when I'd finished the meeting they'd gone :(
I wonder how long it will be before my fence falls down now, I think the tree was supporting it (see extra).
Its been a busy day at work, just sitting down to a pizza now because it was quick to cook :)
Happy Thursday folks :)
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