
By Grammy

What a Day

Sunny, then heavy rains, then a tornado, then calm, now rain again! We got up, got ready and picked up Kristen’s MIL who had a medical procedure in Annapolis, Maryland’s Capitol. It’s about 1.5 hours from our house. After dropping her off, we walked around the old town and the Naval Academy to get my blip. The large photo is of the interior of St. Mary’s Catholic Church which was founded in 1853 by the Redemptorist Fathers. It is truly magnificent. Going clockwise, we saw that massive sailboat in the harbor of the Severn River. Would love to see it with its sails billowing. There were many mallard ducks congregating on the docks and they were not going to be disturbed by silly tourists. As we walked along, there were massive yachts anchored or cruising on the water. Such a shame it wasn’t a sunny day. About that spot on our walk, we got an alert that someone in another state was trying to use my mother’s bank card. We called her but felt helpless being away from home. The bank froze her account so her and hubby will go by the bank and get her a new card tomorrow. There is a special place for those who prey on and try to scam our older folks. My mother was in tears by the end of our conversations on the matter. Continuing around the collage, the purple flower was a new discovery for me, Mexican Ruellia. It started raining while we were on the Academy grounds so all I got was a photo of their museum. When we were at the doctor’s office, I saw this stunning mound of begonias so they add color to the collage. And the last photo is of our Capitol State House. Hope you enjoyed the tour. We were soaked when it was over. As we were heading to a fabric store, Kathy called to say she was ready. We picked her up right before the heavy rain started. Due to a misplaced report, the doctor cancelled the procedure right before she received the anesthesia. It was that type of day. I grabbed my embroidery thread and we were headed to lunch when we got the tornado warning. Not long after we had ordered our meals, emergency vehicles came from all directions. The tornado had touched down along the road we’d just traveled about three miles from the restaurant. We had to take an alternate route home but saw pictures of the damage, damaged buildings, power lines on the road, folks with gashes from broken glass, etc. We got no reports of deaths, thank the Good Lord. As we got closer to home, the rain let up and we saw a very wide, vivid rainbow. We always begin our journey with a prayer for our safety and end the trip with a prayer of thanksgiving. Today’s had even more significance. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe out there. "The rainbow is always inside the storm." - Matshona Dhliwayo.

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