The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


My sister K had ordered a paddleboard which arrived before the expected date. She WhatsApped me to say she'd be down in Cuil Bay, so I went down to see them. Found K and her daughter J inflating the board. I wasn't convinced that it was inflated enough, and when K got on it did look quite banana-like, but never mind, we all had fun! 

K and I only managed kneeling, because I like to have a lesson before I try anything(!) but J took to standing up, being much younger and less fearful. I quite fancied paddling off right into the sunset, but the others shouted me back in. CleanSteve came down and took photos, of which this is one. He is so much better at photography, I wanted a decent snap of my maiden voyage on Loch Linnhe.

I'm afraid I don't remember the rest of the day. That's what happens after a holiday if the blips are not kept up with.  My mother's memory is failing, I'm spending time going to the surgery with her,  trying to sort out some of her muddles and being sure that all the carers know the latest advice around her insulin intake. Mother is an insulin-using diabetic, but lately she has been using the protocol the wrong way round, thinking that insulin gives her energy instead of being used to control high blood sugar. If she takes too much insulin, she is at risk of having a hypoglycaemic attack. This is scary, and could even be fatal if she were alone at the time. 

I think Im making some headway, but progress is slow, one step forward, two steps back. It's awful seeing my mother so frail and vulnerable.

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