Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Look after your staff.........

Stanley is about to be lathered, pampered, covered in rose petals and expensive soap, then his nether regions will meet the rough end of a scrubbing brush. His personal hygiene is always cause for concern, especially as his relatives in North ‘Murrika and Alaska (Which is really Canadian) are in the rivers every day at present seeking large fat laden salmon. 

Innovation is key, the finest Porcelain proved too slippery for the bees to sup on the honey today, a piece or two of broken flower pot gave them grip, lavender heads gave them a decent background and privacy. When I went to top them up at 1630 I discovered three of them had located a tidy hideaway beneath the larger stone and were quite happily snoozing off the effects of a large lunch. 

The moth has the most unusual antennae.

Always but always make sure your staff are well looked after.

Hung Chow phoned his boss and explaining, “Hey boss, I not come to work today. I really sick, got headache, stomach ache and my legs hurt!” 
The boss replied, “You know Hung Chow we really need you today. When I feel like that I go to my wife and tell her to give me sex. That makes me feel better and I can go to work, you should try that.”
Two hours later Hung Chow phoned his boss and said, “Boss I do what you say and I feel great, I be at work soon. You got nice house.”

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