First day of official Autumn.

Yesterday we went for a long walk in Sutton Park first thing after having breakfast.
We did just over four miles taking in several of the large pools. One of them, Keepers Pool, used to be an outdoor lido in its heyday.
The ponies were not in the place where we saw them last week. But they are free to roam, and there are cattle grids at the various gates of access.
As it is an expanse of 2,400 acres with heathland, which is now sporting lovely purple heather, with large areas of dense woodland and their paths and tracks crisscrossing beneath the trees, there are still many areas we have not explored.
This morning, another morning of thick grey and white cloud cover, we took ourselves off by the field paths. Hardly met a soul till about 11.00am.
We then decided, towards the end that we would call in at Chase Farm Shop and Café for a coffee. One of the field paths goes along the back by a field which contains a most magnificent bull, his missus and their young calf.
They are thankfully penned into their enclosure by an electric fence.
It will soon be lunchtime now. And the weather was a bit drizzly a short time ago, so some bits of washing on the line had to be taken indoors.
I took the photo as we came towards the the end of the first section of our walk which passes a rundown small house hidden in trees. The fence in the photo which you can just about see, is part of their land.
Time for lunch!

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