Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Morning Light

I took this photo hours ago in the early morning as the sun burst onto the patio. We were downstairs in the kitchen. I was mixing a bowl of kibble for Bob dog and Mr. Fun was making a French press pot of energy, I mean, chocolate coffee, when I looked up and out the window to see the back side of these flowers. When I realized how beautiful they looked, I excused myself, hurried upstairs to fetch my camera, and moments later I was outdoors clicking back sides. I often wonder what I look like from the back. Surely not as stunning as these two.

Wednesdays I'm home doing online office hours. So I graded lots of papers today--relief! I still have another project from each class, but it will be much more interesting to read--each student has written an essay. What I've just finished grading were summaries. Most students have a terrible time finding a main point in an article, so writing a quality summary is a tall challenge. Writing essays is somewhat easier--my students wouldn't agree.

Later in the day I realized I had not taken any photos since early morn. I sort of panicked because I had now downloaded the flowers and didn't know if they were focused.

Now night's darkness has fully surrounded my city that I see just out my upstairs slider door . . . the evening breeze has brought the hint of a chill. In the distance a train is whistling through our community . . . I hear as it comes to each street crossing. In the creek below our property, which is really a gutter runoff, the frogs and the crickets seem to have a contest as to who will be the loudest. Then for some reason they all go silent as if they are waiting for me to return their call. Then gradually, one-by-one their song begins again. I really do love the night.

Mid-morning I snuck a little time to peak at Blip. While doing so I wondered why more of us don't post some favorite that we've found in blipland that day. So I haven't asked permission, but I think it's okay. I just wanted to share this one with you. I've never met him, but have commented a couple times on his. I like all the lines and angles on his blip today, thought you might too. I'd love for you to share one with me that you've enjoyed.

Tomorrow night is date night. I also have a suitcase to pack--what a dilemma. Details in my next blip.

Good night from a dark and lovely Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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