Die Einschulung
As I have mentioned on previous visits here, there is a really organic feel to the life in the place Liam lives in. There's a shared garden for the building and children play, people come and go, the old and the young mix well. Today two of the young children had their Einschulung, first day of primary school and it's celebrated. Their families, grandparents and others come around for a party, the tables had been garlanded earlier with the season's leaves and fruit. (extra)
Z and Liam had been poring over phones and tablets earlier also (extra) before we went to town as we'd hoped to get him a new iPhone/ipad for his birthday. His heart wasn't in it though, he thinks he'd like one they make here in Hessen. All the parts are replaceable, they even provide you with a screwdriver when you buy the new phone...
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