A Sense of Resignation

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Caro was drafting her resignation email yesterday. But she held off. 

"I don't want to drop it on them first thing Monday morning," she said. "That just wouldn't be fair." 

Well, it didn't stop DEKE in the Edinburgh office, as we found out this morning. 

"Eff's sake!" snapped Caro. "Deke just stole my thunder!"

But five minutes later, Deke was forgiven. For with his resignation comes AN OPPORTUNITY.

You see, Deke works in the "Business Support" department. The department which has nothing to do with effing irritating effing c*nty effing doctors. 

As Caro puts it. 

Sooooo... we mused... if Caro's company are looking for someone to fill that gap... 

And IF they would be willing to let Caro go part-time in Deke's role*...

And IF they would accept that Caro is in another time zone**...

Then mmmmmmaybe this job would suit Caro better than the police job. She could continue to work from home, be paid in sterling and besides, she gets on really well with the head of Business Support.

"She's too nice though," says Caro. "I could be the Bad Cop to her Good Cop. I wouldn't let those effing recruiters get away with any ess."

So Caro and I drafted a quite DIFFERENT email this morning. She sent it to her manager with the title, "CONFIDENTIAL: My role in the company", which is like the email equivalent of "We Need To Talk".

Now we are awaiting the response of Caro's manager. Caro even has a script to enable her to make her pitch.

I will find out if Caro is proper resigning or kind-of resigning within the next couple of hours. You people will have to wait until tomorrow. 



* And let's face it, a part-time Caro is like two full-time regular people.

** Although Caro would probably work UK hours, as she's a night-owl anyway. "And I could have my days to myself!" she said. 

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