
By Farmerboab

I’m a lumberjack and I’m OK......

Another Manic Monday.
Cattle fed then nipped up to the wood the Estate are felling to have a look at this huge timber harvester. Sure beats a man and a chainsaw any way.
Sent Duncan and Kev off for wheat straw while I filled more winter barley from next door into bins here. After lunch I headed off for a load of straw too, via the sand quarry to weigh the tractor and trailer , then on the way back to get the weight of a load. Loaded I was nearly 13.5 tons gross which maybe explains why my wee 90 Hp Claas tractor was on its knees coming up the hills.
Headed off back down the road to bale more straw, but only got 17 bales done before I noticed smoke coming out the top of the baler. A bearing on a roller had collapsed and everything was red hot. Managed to put it out with my big bottle of Highland Spring water out the cab, but the New Holland dealership will need to order in the bearings so that’s the job stuffed for today.
Back home again, more barley carted and by 9 pm had had enough for one day.
Roll on Tuesday.

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