practising. endlessly

Grade Three here we come - great to hear but those scales sure get repetitive after awhile, which I assume is the point! As Sienna pointed out and I would agree - "it makes my mind hurt!"

What a windy day - could this be the longest winter ever? Only put into perspective because we are reading 'Little House in the Big Woods' - where their winter was really, really long and cold and snowy and even scary and they only had one doll each to play with - imagine that!

Update re what Sienna plans on doing with her life - add a "leopard looker-after, because did you know Mummy (because OBVIOUSLY I know very little) they are just like us - they are alive"!

Then again I am not surprised she thinks maybe I just aren't that smart...I was late picking her up from school this afternoon. After walking 15 minutes from work to where I always park the car, I discovered it was not there. Dawned on me, it was back at work - doh. Cue me being 18 minutes late to pick her up and dealing with the look of pity on her face as I explained my mistake!

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