Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

We were having such a quiet day.

Then the phone rang, Fang the MiL; "The water's gone off!" Nip over, tool bag etc. The whole world is without water, "Does my TV still work?" I swear, I'll do her, I will.

The Garden Fairy was knitting a “Lap warmer.” Her American made, birch wood needle broke, I’m not surprised, most lap warmers are at least a size 12 and weigh 130 lbs. Wooden needles are quiet, therefore they make ideal weapons for knitting if one is reading and the GF is being creative.
Detective Chief Inspector Morse brought an offering, fresh, still warm but life was extant. He placed this at my feet during breakfast, considerate murdering little barsteward! One of my brothers was trying to get our dog to savage a mouse one day. He was taken aback when I thundered, “If anything is going to die in this house, I’ll do the killing! Understand?”

Last of my Bumblers, promise.

The delightful GF helped feed with the syringe last night while I photographed. She’s brave and trusting. The bees are also brave and trusting. 

I must be ill, I’ve started watching Downton Abbey and have to admit that I’m rather quietly enjoying it but would gladly assist the Dowager Duchess to an early grave. 

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