Tom Bones

An action packed day here at Pfest.

After a decent nights sleep and a bacon sandwich we set off for a bit of a wander about. This was followed by an excellent lunch for everyone in the band, partners, children and any other members of our merry gang.

We got back in time for a few drinks before dinner and then we were up for Rockeoke. We play the songs, brave members of the audience get up and sing... We did about an hour and a quarter and had many singers including H who was of course brilliant. 

The next act was the Tom Jones Tribute act who was excellent and very funny, as you can see Nell the dog was in prime position, oddly enough when we played she faced us, when Tom was singing she faced away....

Final part of the evening is the ever entertaining silent disco, there are few things runnier than taking your headphones off to hear a room full of people singing along to Grease Lightening...  

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