How do you like them apples?

We started the day by cycling to Accies Minis for some rugby.  Time to try adding something new as he's fast growing out of Rugby Tots.  He had a great time there, and we saw some people we knew.  9.5km round trip cycling as well as an hour running around!

Next we got in the car to go visit Granny and Grandpa.  We had a lovely lunch, then went to our favourite park in Tayport, then had ice-creams down at the harbour.  Lovely.

CyclopsJnr also spent some time harvesting their apple tree, and was delighted to be offered £2 extra pocket money from Granny for clearing up all the rotten apples from the lawn underneath too!  Possibly his first ever wages...

After a lovely dinner we headed back home, and CyclopsJnr was delighted to see MrsCyclops waiting for him having returned from her trip.  We were quite late, so just time for a quick bath before bed.

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