Somebody I know who doesn't live in this house had a bit of an oops with their lawn mower cable the other day. They were delighted to know that it could be repaired and that they didn't have to throw it away! Here is the very acceptable repaired cable which took me about twenty minutes this afternoon. I also bought them an RCD safety plug!
In other news, we went down to East Linton to the craft Market. My main purchase was some bamboo cotton buds which look very substantial. From there it was over to Smeaton for a bowl of soup, green pea and very tasty. We drove home via Costco and picked up some petrol, the new E10 petrol comes in on 1st September. The change won't affect us apart from the price. I believe the current mix, E5, will be more expensive but I find it hard to believe they won't take the opportunity to bump up the price for the rest of us too.
Back home I got stuck into the blipped electrical repair which my charming model safety tested for me in the front garden. He survived so I guess it was OK. See extra!
We had duck a l'orange for dinner, it was good!
More high figures again today, I'm presuming the recent jump may have something to do with the high numbers testing regularly since the start of the new term's recommended twice weekly tests for school pupils and students. Most of those who are asymptomatic seem to fall into the under 35 age group, hopefully they won't be too hard hit.
Keep safe everyone.
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