
By EdwardHealey

Project refurbish...

...has begun.

After enjoying doing a bit of this recently I have been thinking about sprucing up Roy the (Thorn) Raven Tour so that I can do a bit more cycle touring but without having to bother with the Ebike and all the faff of charging. Plus he's much more suited to the type of thing I did on my recent hols in Shropshire than the Brompton is!

Roy the Raven has been a faithful servant for 16 years now (I had to look that up) and provided sterling service, including being the main work bike for nearly ten years during which time five of that were spent living outside in the garden with only a bike cover for protection when not being ridden into and for work. Rough treatment! . 

So, yesterday, when I went to On Your Bike in Brum I dropped off the wheels to have new rims fitted, Ryde Andra 30's in case anyone's wondering, probably not? I've already replaced the gear cables, changed the Rohloff oil, fitted a new rear sprocket, chainring and chain so all that is left to do, once the wheels are done, is fit new tyres. And, today's Blip is of some new tyres for big adventures. 

You can see in the extra a photo of Roy taken on an appropriately named road in Brum a few years ago on a commute to work.

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