The Rail Weigh and Eighty!

Today, my mum is eighty! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MUM!

She and my dad arrived in Salford yesterday afternoon, where they're staying at The Lowry, and last evening we walked over to have what turned out to be a splendid dinner at The Indian Tiffin Room, where we were joined by the Minx, miniMinx, and Charlie.

This morning, though, I was working, and I went up to Addlington to meet Dom, where I popped into The Rail Weigh, an eco shop set up by our friend Amanda. Whilst I have seen loads of photos of the shop, this is the first time I've been able to visit, and it's wonderful. If you are ever in the area, do go in.

After that, it was back to Salford for college, which involved some critical listening but also messing around with a tool called The Drop, which I really like.

And after that, it was time for the birthday dinner at Lo Scoglio. All my kids were there - bar Izzy who is working in Sierra Leone - plus Milly's partner, Andy, the Minx and miniMinx, of course, and my mum and dad.

It was a great evening: the food was as good as it always is - i.e. superb - the company was wonderful, and the evening was topped off with some magic by the owner, who, the Minx tells me, once performed with Paul Daniels. Or something. But, anyway, he was very, very good, and there was a lot of gasping and clapping!

All in all, it was a great evening and it was so lovely to spend time with my folks. Whilst I speak to them often, I literally can't remember the last time I actually was with them. (I need to have a search back though my Blips!)

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