The pond

Went round to see J and G for the first time in ages. As J blipped the fabulous scones that G made, I took a picture of one of the water lilies in their re-vitalised garden pond. The pond was made by a previous owner long before they moved in, perhaps in the 1950s or 1960s, but then filled in again, but not dug out. Maybe a young family thought it was a bit of a danger for small children? In the way of things going round to the garden reminded me of photoshoots I did in the garden for college assignments, one of which featured my friend L who was in the news today because of the deal between the SNP and Scottish Greens in the Scottish Parliament. Earlier in the day, L and G did a little busking on the Prom - on the day when the Beach Busk would normally happen (see extra). No 'official' Big Beach Busk this year - not that it ever was an official event, more an encouraged coincidence. Lovely morning for it and they got some good responses from passers-by, some of who stopped for a while to listen.   

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