Enjoying the heather

….but on the balcony. We were planning a walk today, but at the appointed hour for rising I just didn’t feel up to it. In fact, I felt pretty dreadful and full of anxiety until I went out on the balcony to take a few photographs, before we headed down to the market. After that, the day perked up, and after we picked up some very fresh looking autumn bedding at the supermarket (chrysanthemum and cyclamen) it really got going. The bedding was planted out in various spots, including a new pot which hangs on the railing, and we decided we need one more tray of cyclamen, to be fetched tomorrow.

I did some spinning in the afternoon, and then we sat out in the last of the afternoon sunshine with a beer, which morphed into sitting out until dinner and then after dinner with various other beverages. That may have something to do with the fact that I didn’t get my blip done on the day….

So in the end, it was a relaxing day, even though I didn’t manage to spend any time in the Pentlands. And the balcony is looking very smart.

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