Helpful Hound

I've been working at home this afternoon, Molly has been helping out. I say helping out I mean sitting about looking at me, and then going for a wander around the garden. That is fine though, she is a dog, I have low expectations (it would be good if she could use the coffee machine though).

I read a report earlier, confirming that Otters live in our river! That is a challenge, I'm determined to blip one (I'll state now that I might resort to Photoshop though!).

So the weekend is here, the fire is lit,and we have plenty of coal and wood, I'm about to order a takeaway, this is a good start. Poppy has gone out for the evening, school disco. She is 7!!! I've told her not to kiss any boys.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

Big dog

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