Beautiful day for walking
and gardening. Everything got well watered this morning. Fed the gherkins, squash, courgette, runner beans, and French beans. Harvested the last broad beans. Cleaned the ground. Dead headed the pot marigold, saving the seed.
Nipped up to town when I'd finished to pick up the newspaper & sausage rolls. It's race day at No 81.
Had a lovely walk with Indie, bumped into a few folks I knew along the way. We went into the river for a paddle where I watched the Dipper earlier in the year. The river is well down so we were able to walk out to the middle of the river bed. Nibbled on some plump juicy blackberries on the way back. Called in on Alison to pick up a bag of windfall apples. Apple & blackberry jelly next.
Back at Mum's, had coffee, then pruned the pyracantha that grows up the front of the bungalow.
Mum came back to Chudleigh for an afternoon at the races. Mum had one winner, hubby 2, me 1, 3 rollovers.
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