
By bekaboo


TGIF - working week has been emotionally draining and people's behaviour appalling making my mother /lioness instincts kick in. Plus it's blooming snowing again.

However, today was school celebration assembly where the boy showed off his recent Aston Villa training accomplishments and the whole class recited the poem below. Everyone except the boy who stood there smiling his head off and swinging his arms. When asked why he didn't join in he asserted that "I did ..... Just did it in my head" and promptly recalled the poem perfectly.

In other news, boy was awarded yet more football trophies from his regular footy training and scored two absolutely cracking goals - and I know nothing / want to know nothing about the art of football.

I had a little cherry stone
And put it in the ground,
And when next year l went to look,
A tiny shoot l found.

The shoot grew upwards day by day,
And soon became a tree.
I picked the rosy cherries then,
And ate them for my tea.

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