Saturday's photograph (no painting today)

Got stung by a bee yesterday. My hand brushed against the Buddliea branch, and I felt a prick. When I looked at my thumb there was a bumblebee stinging my thumb.
First thought...poor bee, I don't want you to die, you didn't have to sting me.
Second thought...ouch, this blinking hurts...
Third thought...I still didn't want to hurt the bee, so I shook my hand downwards and it fell off, so I went inside, put neat lavender essential oil on it and took an antihistamine for good measure.

I have never in my life been stung by a bee before. I can pick up bees and not get stung. But I must have startled this one by brushing my hand against it, and it thought 'enemy'. I went back out to look for it, but I couldn't find it.

Five minutes later, pain had gone, and I could see a slight indent in my skin where I was stung, but that vanished quickly.

Photo this morning was more of the 'fireflies' of yesterday in the solar jar. And I put it through KaleidaCam, a kaleidoscope app, and then into Snapseed to make it more dramatic.

So, here is my offer for today.

Have fun today. Live in the moment. You never know, like that poor bumblebee you may make a wrong decision...I am assuming it dies once it has stung you...

EDIT: I have just googled and apparently a bee does not necessarily die once it has stung you. It is only if it stinger remains lodged in your flesh after you have knocked it off. I didn't knock it off, I only shook it off, and nothing remained in my skin. So now, I am assuming it flew away, because it was not on the ground when I went back to look. That makes me happy 

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