Horse and Groom

I honestly can't remember the last time we came to London for work. In fact, I'm struggling to remember the last time we came at all. I think it was when I came to visit my folks and stayed at the hotel in Tolworth but I'm not even sure when that was (and I'm too lazy to go back though my Blips and find out!).

Anyway, we are back today, the Minx and I having taken the afternoon train from Manchester down to Euston. It was a little upsetting to walk out of the west end of the station to see the ruination visited on the area by that colossal waste of money, HS2 - I wonder how long until that gets cancelled - but once we were a little further along Drummond Street, I was happy to be back.

Having dropped our bags off, we ventured down into the area between Fitzrovia and Marylebone, where we tried a couple of pubs before dinner. This was my favourite of the pubs, not least for their admirable and uncomplicated policy of having just three wines: a red, a white, and a rosé.

(After that we had dinner at Iberica Marylebone, selected by the Minx, which was very good.)

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