
Vuelta catch-up and biking out back in the first part of the morning before heading out for a bunch of local stuff.

1) The 11.40 screening of Our Ladies - I've not read the book it's based on nor did I see the play at the Trav a few festivals ago. So coming to this fresh, though with a bit of knowledge about original author Alan Warner at least, and I really wanted to like it, and I did but...I wanted to then read up about it and see what the various creators had to say, especially as they're all male, because this tale of a bunch of pretty feisty, seemingly strong, teenage girls really did involve a fair few older, predatory men along the way which made me think of what exactly the film was trying to say. And I still haven't really worked it out to be honest.

2) A gander down at Printmakers. Always good, and we didn't stay too long so the exhibition (pictured) is one I'm likely to return to sometime.

3) A stroll up to Bruntsfield for a spot of lunch in the glorious sunshine. Ended up at Saffron where we'd never been before. An outside table for lamb, coriander, chilli and pomegranate flatbread with fries and a cold IPA. Really delicious. We'll be back.

Not bad this annual leave lark. Work will come soon enough for sure but not yet...not yet.

Hope We Never Surface

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