it's a sign!!

Littlest tells me that, once the moon has been full, it will be easter. She says that she knows that because it's already spring and easter comes after the first full moon in spring. Int she clever? I'm feeling rather alarmed by the idea that easter is next week and unsure of how much bunny duty is still expected of me, what with all children being big now....
The out-laws visited today - this might be the last phase of them visiting us. Even though we've sorted out the house that we can lift her wheelchair in and out, it's getting harder and harder to get her in and out of the car or to persuade her to go places. I guess we've been lucky to hold out so long but it will be a sad moment when we finally have to give up on the Friday visits. Ma in law was always such a great support to me when the two big girls were very little girls and before I could drive. I wouldn't've managed without her support. It's kind of weird to be excited about all the new life that spring is bringing whilst watching another life fading idea how long it will take to fade completely but each step on the way is hard to take.

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