Return to the North

By Viking

One swallow for each 1000 blips

Apparently today is my 4000th blip so here is a swallow for each 1000 blips, all sitting nicely in the nest for me.

I am not a blip a day fanatic, life gets in the way too many times and sometimes I just simply cannot be arsed to take a shot or find inspiration. For that reason it has taken me something like 14 years or somewhere between 13 and 14 years to get to this point.
What I can say in all that time is that I have seen some amazing photos on other people's journals and some even more amazing stories. I have made actual friends as well as virtual ones and for that I am truly grateful.

So to Blip Central, thank you for such an amazing site and all the backroom work that goes on. To fellow clippers who stop by and comment or simply star, thank you too. And to all the friends I've made on this amazing journey , thank you.
I started this journal to both improve my camera skills and as a way of showing my family back in the UK what my life in NZ was like. Now I am back in the UK and I suppose to some extent I am showing my Kiwi friends what life in the UK is like :-)
Carry on blipping!

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