Bewl Water

Started the day with ten minutes of yoga - when I first retired I did 30 days with Adrienne - an online session with a great instructor. I had promised myself to continue when the 30 days were up but was a bit half hearted. However I did feel better and more flexible so decided to start again and have managed a few days regularly so far.

We had allocated today as a cycle day but as it is still the school holidays thought the coast would be busy so decided to cycle round Bewl Water. Interesting reservoir in Kent, flooded around 50 years to provide water for the area. It was around 13 miles so not great in distance but there were more hills than I remembered from when we cycled before! The route doesn’t follow the reservoir all the way round but goes into the countryside for a few miles. We took a small picnic (OH had to carry on his back) and finished up the delicious sausage rolls made by friend earlier in the week.

Home for tea and cake and an hour reading in the conservatory. I messaged an ex colleague whom I recalled saying had walked round the reservoir with his children and sent him a picture but was sad to hear that he has lost his mojo for the job. He says he misses having me to chat to. Also messaged another ex colleague as I remembered I had forgotten his birthday - oops. He sent pictures of his daughter now 6 months old.

Dinner, scrabble (I won) and an episode of Viking completed the day.

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