Juncus spiralis
An early visit to the plot. Veggies treated to comfrey tea :-) I picked more French beans, the last pick as I'm going to leave the remainder to plump up then dry for use in soups through the winter. The row of beans I planted last week have started to climb, a few needed a little help. There's always one, or two. I picked more gherkins, enough now for another jar. I need distilled white vinegar. I must remember to add that to the shopping list. The runners are'nt doing so well but picked a few, plus courgettes, & peas.
Back home, I watched the cycling & equestrian events from the Paralympics. We're doing brilliantly. We were at the top of the Medal table earlier. Well done Team GB!
Showered & got myself togged up for lunching out with jorgiesmum, Nicky & Carolyn. We dined at The Manor Inn, Lower Ashton. Great company, good food as always, but the service was'nt quite as sharp. I got showered with pressies & cards ..... I officially retire tomorrow, get my bus pass. Can't wait!!! I'd like to get on a bus, go wherever, get off explore, get on a bus .... I did that with my Inter-rail ticket in Europe many years ago, managed to sleep on the train overnight thus not having to find, or pay, for accommodation. I like train travel.
I arranged the lilies given to me by jorgiesmum then caught up with the Paralympics action on tv before wandering out into the garden with the camera looking to be inspired, before I knew it I was weeding between the paviors & potting up Juncus spiralis seedlings that I came across. I teased the weeds away carefully & ended up with 5 seedlings. All potted up, grit on top. More plants for the sale. They're expensive in the garden centres if you can find them so I'm hoping these will make nice strong plants by next May/June.
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