Photo bombed
The challenge was tiny subject. The toadstool were tiny. I crouched down , focused and click... just as Fletch barged past. Oh well at least it shows how tiny they are.
Took another without him for my challenge
Decided to go to Roudsea wood and instead of parking at Greenodd and walking over the river , as it was hot we decided to drive round to the wood. Mistake. We forgot it was single track and in August there would be other people. Squeezed past 2 cars and made it to the parking area only to discover that they are doing major work there. There was no sign of workers but there were huge diggers etc parked and not much space to park.
But the walk was pleasant and peaceful, we didnt see any people and we did our usual and followed the purple route in reverse.
As we got to the very end we found our way completely blocked with huge paneled fences. There was a HUGE hole beyond.
We could glimpse our car through the undergrowth only 30 yards away so, rather than walk all the way back we found a bit of a path and pushed through that only to see that the path led to a narrow tree trunk over a very muddy stream, We didnt want to risk doing an Indiana Jones so more crashing round and clambering up and down muddy banks to get to the other side.
We earned our sandwiches and coffee.
Just as we were about to leave , several cars arrived. A squeeze to get round but didnt pass any more on the way out.
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