Looking South

We did the staggering on high today....No No we weren't on anything....well we actually were..We were on Mt Vic and The Boss turned right instead of left and 10 km later it was home for lunch and about time too.
The View takes in Wellington Airport on the left and we actually got to see a plane, just the one, Probably going to Australia with freight and was snapped from "Treasure Cove" a children's playground fashioned as an old sailing ship. Wonderfully creative but devoid of "sailors" today.  BUT we did see Poo and Piglet I think (extra)  looking out a window at "The Flag ladies" place. She often flies all sorts of wonderful flags, none of them from a country...OK?
AND joy indeed as The Boss had a cuddle with "Benny" a huge St.Bernard who he was met (and cuddled) before. (Sorry no pic this time) 

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