Roadmap Out Of Lockdown Step 4 - Day 38
Hibiscus and a little bee so thickly covered in pollen it could hardly fly! In extras you can see it really getting stuck in! (Have switched pics.)
Got everybody out in the garden for socially-distanced morning coffee, then banished them to their separate quarters while I did some gardening, whilst waiting for the District Nurse, who never turned up! A cloudy start to the day, followed by a lovely sunny afternoon.
Take care, stay safe and well...
PS Once again, thank you for all your recent kind words, stars and hearts.
PPS Worrying news this evening: BANES (our county) is now among the top 20 COVID hotspots in the country. After very low case numbers in the first two waves, with the influx of tourists, the West Country is now really suffering.
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