
By DaveStevens1982

Day 9

Monster pow day and we decided to go to Sunshine Village as had not ridden there all season. Sunshine Village has the delirium dive which on a powder is some of the best in bounds terrain on offer. Luckily Adam got to go up there as other Adam hooked us up with avi packs. If there was ever a day you needed a beacon it was today.

Verging on Galaxy ridge and the snow pack was not the most stable Ive seen it but none the less the powder was dry and the runs where out of this world fun. Long dry powder runs followed by laps on Standish. We hit wawa ridge and backdoor and got fresh tracks all morning on Goats eye. Sunshine fully destroyed and session-ed the hell out of! SOOOO GOOD. great day to pick to ride here. Also we hiked south side chutes and they were perfect. Big carvey powder turns.

Being st Paddys day it seems rude not to go out. especially when two of your friends from the UK were here. We grouped up with a few other friends and headed out after some drinks to Karaoke!? Ive never done this before and it was hilarious. We then went out to see A-Skillz and had a pretty full on night.. again. I wore hearing protection and it worked, no worsening of tinnitus, but still crap.
Ate mc donalds after the party and Adam dropped his chicken nuggets. marathon training going well.

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