Make do and ......
..... MEND!!
I'm really enjoying seeing all the blips of beautiful Butterflies, but why oh why haven't I got any ( except the white ones, known as cabbage whites!) Last year I had so many beauties, this year I haven't seen any!
So this is a blip of one on a Mug , there are several other colourful ones but still on porcelain!
I have to go to the hospital to get a 24 hour monitor fitted ( except it's never 24 hours as they always need it returned 22 hours latter!) I'm not sure whether this is a follow - up of the Echo cardiogram I had the other week, guess I will know in due course.
Do hope your day will be good ,dodgy weather here at the moment altho' the west had sun already.
Thoughtful ...... with grateful thanks to my daughter K who will take me to the appointment.
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