
By sharon143

Back over to dads today for the second attempt at his online speed awareness course. We had already downloaded a brand new Teams account into his new iPad so getting into the app was fine. We were waiting in the lobby for ages and the mic and camera icons were greyed out. Didn’t know whether that was because we hadn’t been let in to the meeting or whether it was something we needed to do our end! Knew from previous experience that it takes ages to get through to the helpline ans we would be locked out if we waited to phone in until we were admitted to the meeting so I rang the helpline and got in the queue. 25 minutes wait! After about 15 mins we were allowed in and dad was registered by Avery friendly instructor and then asked to wait to be readmitted as he was registering everyone separately. We waited about 15 minutes and nothing happened so I disconnected and rang in again where we got straight back to the lobby and were readmitted straightaway with 2 minutes to spare before being locked out. No one said we had to do that!
It went ok though the sound wasn’t brilliant so he struggled to hear some things . I hadn’t taken snook to read but no chance! Had to be attentive for the whole 2.5 hours in case he hadn’t properly heard something!
Got home and did a bit of tidying in the garden. Interesting to see these lupin seeds that I planted a few weeks ago. I had no idea that they grew two ‘normal’ leaves before the typical lupin umbrella type leaves

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